Un projet de Pierre Huyghe
With Offspring (2018), Pierre Huyghe offers in the Studio, “black box” located in the basement of the Bourse de Commerce, an original installation in the manner of a sensory and poetic experience, outside temporality and open to infinity, a journey of sorts.
This installation is conceived as a remanence or a genetic mutation of L’Expédition scintillante [The Scintillating Expedition] designed by the artist for his exhibition in Bregenz in 2002. This project was inspired by Edgar Allan Poe’s Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym but also by a journey undertaken by the artist in an effort to observe the vulnerability of our environment. He spent one month on a polar expedition aboard the schooner Tara, a streamlined vessel that can travel over ice. In Pierre Huyghe’s own words: “I am interested in the vital aspect of the image, in the way in which an idea, artefact or language can flow into a contingent, biological, mineral and physical reality. It‘s not a matter of showing something to someone so much as showing someone to something.
Software & light programming
Martial Geoffre Rouland
Sound design & programming
Robin Meier
Courtesy de l'artiste et Pinault Collection. Aurélien Mole