Géologie des flux


The "Géologie des flux" installation, created through an unprecedented partnership between Lyon Parc Auto and the Mirage Festival, represents a sensitive and innovative approach to data that captures the activity of a car park and the flow of passersby and their movements.

The Chevalvert studio and designer Martial Geoffre-Rouland collaborated to create an interactive and luminous installation that seamlessly blends technology and art. By employing a machine learning system that detects people's movements and records them, the installation captures a rich array of data that is used to drive a series of graphical experimentations.

This technology is brought to life through five different screens, each one representing a unique perspective on the data collected. Through these graphical representations, viewers can gain a deeper understanding of the activity in the car park, as well as the movements of the people passing through it.

The "Géologie des flux" installation stands as a powerful example of how art and technology can be used to create innovative and thought-provoking experiences that challenge our perceptions and push the boundaries of what is possible.

Art & technical direction

Martial Geoffre-Rouland, Chevalvert.


Stéphane Buellet, Julia Puyo Calvo, Arnaud Juracek



Technical development

Martial Geoffre-Rouland, Chevalvert, Hémisphère, Antoine blindSp0t


Mirage Festival
